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Carlo Alfano

1932 Neapel
1990 Neapel

Carlo Alfano was born in Naples on May 22, 1932. The painter, drawer and intermediary artist lived and worked there after his studies at the ABA in Naples. Beginning with informal figurative painting, after 1962 Alfano turned more of his attention to geometric shapes made by distorting reflective metal cylinders. He sought to frame the phenomenon of time in space and enlarged the two-dimensional reflection of a shape in three-dimensional environmental compositions with animated light reflections.
Beginning at the end of the 1960’s, Carlo Alfano became quickly known because of his audiovisual projects. In the year 1969, he demonstrated the "Archivio delle nominazioni" in a "Stanza per voci" as a complicated experience of spoken texts and scriptural painting and drawing. Between the years 1969 and around 1975 the comprehensive series "Frammenti di un autoritratto anonimo" was produced, a self-investigation in dialog form with meticulously written and rhythmically balanced text pictures, numbers and groups of signs.
Since the beginning of the 1980’s, Alfano has focused particularly on the problem of light-dark in painting.
Carlo Alfano died in 1990 in Naples.

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Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Starting bid: 5,000 EUR

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