1965 Bristol
Damien Hirst, one of the most important representatives of contemporary art, was born son of a working-class family in Bristol in 1965. He grew up in Leeds, before he moved to London in 1984. He studied art at the renowned Goldsmiths College (1986-1989).
Still a student, Damien Hirst celebrated first success as an artist. Among his early plastics, paintings and installations are the "Medicine Cabinets", particularly worthwhile mentioning for their minimalist aesthetics. He was also successful as curator: With the exhibition "Freeze" in 1988 he was one of the founding fathers of the "Young British Artists".
In his art Damien Hirst examines themes such as death and transience in an ever shocking but yet cool-aesthetic and emblematic manner. His morbid fascination showed as early as in his adolescence, when Damien Hirst made drawings in anatomy department at Leeds Medical School.
Damien Hirst made his main works as of the 1990s: In his series "Natural History" (1991) Damien Hirst sank dead animals, among them the famous shark ("The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living"), in formalin tanks. In 2007 he plated a platinum cast of a human skull with real diamonds - "For the Love of God", the work's title, became his career’s most valuable work, not only in artistic terms. As a painter he created outstanding status symbols with the "Spot-Paintings".
The Turner Prize winner (1995) Damien Hirst, who definitely counts among the most influential contemporary artists, has had more than 80 solo shows, was honored in a grand retrospective in 2012. The exhibition, a crowd-puller, was set up in a museum in which Damien Hirst, as he had told David Bowie once, never wanted to show his works: the renowned London Tate Modern.
Damien Hirst, who resides in Devon today, operates a remarkable art business, there, as well as in Gloucester and London.
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