1951 Neuenhain/Taunus
Elvira Bach was born in 1951 in Neuenhain. The young artist attended the public glazier school in Hadamar from 1967 until 1970. Two years later, in 1972, she moved to Berlin to study painting at the Berlin art academy. During that time, Elvira Bach occasionally worked at the playhouse "Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer".
In 1981, she spent three months in the Caribbean as an "artist in residence", a sejourn that turned out to be a great artistical inspiration. In the very same year - Elvira Bach was only 29 years old - she was invited to participate in the "documenta VII". From now on, Elvira Bach's works were shown in many exhibitions and art associations throughout the country.
Despite the fact that the prevailing idea of art was rather analytical, intellectual, rational and innovative at the time, Elvira Bach continued to create sensual and energetic paintings, most of them in flamboyant colors and using an expressive visual language. A recurring and central theme in Bach's paintings are women and their alluring femininity. Bach's women have similar facial features - in fact, it seems to be Elvira Bach herself, who is represented by those women.
From 1978, Elvira Bach creates a lot of those "self-portraits" all containing different types of accessories that accentuate the womens' femininity. In the beginning of the 1980s, Elvira Bach starts to include the symbol of the snake into her works. More and more, her paintings cotain explicit erotic elements. Between 1986 and 1992, Elvira Bach spent some inspiring time in Senegal. Her first son, Lamine, was born in 1984, her second son, Maodo was born in 1992. Elvira Bach is not only a painter, but also a very talented sculptor.
She lives and works in Berlin.
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