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Horst Antes

1936 Heppenheim

Horst Antes was born on October 28, 1936, in Heppenheim, Bergstraße, Germany. After completing his secondary education, Antes studied at the "Akademie der Bildenden Künste" in Karlsruhe, under the important woodcutter HAP Grieshaber from 1957 to 1959. As early as 1959, the artist received two awards, the "Kunstpreis" from the City of Hanover and the "Pankofer-Preis" at the "Deutscher Kunstpreis der Jugend".
In his early paintings Horst Antes sought a path between figurative painting and art informel. One of the artist's role-models was Willem de Kooning. Around 1960, Horst Antes discovered his "Kopffüßler" (literally translated "Head Footer"), a form which continued to preoccupy the artist in various variations and artistic techniques. Ante's "Kopffüßler" with new premises regarding content and style became very distinct in 1963 and became binding for the sculptural works started that year. In the 1960s, the artist received several scholarships and awards, including the Villa Roma Prize in Florence in 1962 and the Villa Massimo Scholarship in Rome in 1963.
At the age of only 29 Horst Antes accepted a teaching position at the academy in Karlsruhe. From 1967 to 1973 a professorship at Karlsruhe and a one-year guest professorship at the "Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste" in Berlin followed. In 1984 Antes resumed his teaching post at the academy in Karlsruhe, where he continued to teach for another 16 years.
In 1989 the southern German city of Stuttgart awarded Horst Antes the "Hans-Molfenter-Preis". Since 1990 the artist has been living and working in Karsruhe, Florence and Berlin. Horst Antes' works include paintings, prints and sculptures in public spaces. His works are exhibited throughout the world and are represented in Germany's major art collections, such as the "Kunsthalle Hamburg", "Museum Ludwig" in Cologne and the "Nationalgalerie" in Berlin.

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Fine Art Auction

Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Starting bid: 5,000 EUR

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