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Karel Appel

1921 Amsterdam
2006 Zürich

From 1942 to 1944 Appel studied at the 'Rijksakademie' in Amsterdam, where he met Corneille. In 1948 Appel founded the 'Groupe Experimental Hollandais' together with Constant and Corneille. In the same year Dotremont, Noiret, Jorn, Constant, Corneille and Appel founded the art group 'CoBra'. The mural 'Fragende Kinder' (1949/50) for the cafeteria of the Amsterdam city hall was Karl Appel's first commissioned piece and evoked outrage. In 1950 Appel left Amsterdam and went to Paris where he joined the avant-garde movement together with Dubuffet and Fautrier. In 1958 he painted murals for the Dutch pavilion at the Brussels World Exposition and the UNESCO building in Paris. At the exhibition 'Vita lità nell'arte' he decorated a room in the 'Centro Internazionale delle Arti e del Costume' of the Venice Plazzo Grassi with a cloth collage. In 1964 Appel bought Castle Molesmes near Auxerre, where he devoted his time to large polychrome reliefs and free standing wood and polyester sculptures. In 1984 Appel was awarded the 'Grand Prix du Salon' at the XXIX Salon de Montrouge in Paris. In 1991 he worked with Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso on the Poetry-Painting Series. In 1994 and 1995 Appel focused mainly on stage design at the Dutch opera.

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Fine Art Auction

Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Starting bid: 5,000 EUR

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