The group SPUR was an avant-garde group from the postwar period in Germany. The founders of SPUR – Lothar Fischer, Heimrad Prem, H.P. Zimmer and Helmut Sturm – saw it as a possibility for political engagement and expression of their opinions. The artists got to know each other in Munich, where they studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1957 they founded SPUR, which lasted until 1965. SPUR was also the name of a journal that was published by the four artists. The political engagement of the artists expressed itself for example in the work "Wahlkampf" [Campaign], which caricatured political figures. The artists were also in opposition to Adenauer’s policies. One of the most spectacular lawsuits in West Germany was conducted against SPUR. Stylistically, SPUR used the techniques of abstract expressionism, tachism and informel. Art brut and the group CoBrA were also influential for SPUR.
Related artists: Fischer, Lothar | Prem, Heimrad | Sturm, Helmut | Zimmer, HP (Hans Peter)
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