482 Tauresium
565 Konstantinopel
Justinian (specifically Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus or Justinian I, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire) was born in 482, in Tauresium (Skopje). Justinian was brought very early to Constantinople, the capitol of the Eastern Roman-Byzantine Empire, by his uncle Justin and recieved an excellent education.
Justin became emperor in 518, and Justinian became one of his closest advisors and one of the most influential people in the empire. After the death of Justin in 527, Justinian assumed the throne of the Byzantine Empire with his wife Theodora.
During his rule, Justinian expanded the boundaries of the empire and regained the former territory of the Roman Empire under Theodosius I, with the exception of Gaul and central and northern Spain.
The most significant and lasting acheivements of Justinian was the codification of Roman law in "Corpus Iuris Civilis." In 528, Justinian had a commission under Tribonian, who had a fundamental influence on the content of the work, compile and systematize the contemporary Roman law system as well as Roman juridical writings.
This is the most important codification of Roman law, which became a model for many other systems of law. This monumental work, which included the "Institutions," a textbook in four parts with the force of law, and the "Codex Justiniani," containing the "Novels" (later additional laws), takes its quintessential meaning primarily in the "Digesta" or "Pandects," a collection of fifty books by noteable Roman judicial scholars, which represents the most important source of Roman law today.
Proof of Justinian's penchant for building can still be seen today. His monuments include the church Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (now a mosque in the formerly Christian Constantinople), which Justinian had built over four years beginning in 532 as the church for the crowning of the Byzantine emperors.
Justinian died in 565 in Constantinople.
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