1618 Paris
1682 Paris
The etcher and copperplate engraver Jean Lepautre was born on June 28, 1618 in Paris. He is considered one of the most important and imaginative ornament-engravers of all times. Lepautre was initially a student of Adam Philippon, the "menuisier (joiner) et ingénieur du roi". Together with the latter, Lepautre visited Rome and engraved 26 pages for his "Curieuses recherches de plusieurs beaux morceaux d’ornements antiques et mod. etc." in 1645. In general, he pursued a very extensive and versatile production: Starting in 1643, he prepared ornament etchings for works of architecture, furniture, fireplaces, portals, altars, pulpits, and other objects. In addition, he created landscapes, historical and biblical scenes, leaflets, business cards, and festival reports.
Jean Lepautre died on February 2, 1682 in Paris.
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