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Jules Pascin

1885 Vidin (Bulgarien)
1930 Paris

The expressionist painter Jules Pascin was born in Vidin (Bulgaria) on March 31, 1885. His real name was Julius Mordecai Pincas. In 1892 he moved with his parents to Bucharest and in 1902 came to Vienna. Here he studied painting at the academy. In the years 1903/04, he found himself in Munich, where he attended the Heymann Art School.
Besides this he worked at the weekly German satire magazine "Simplizissimus" as an illustrator. From the year 1905 on, he signed his works with the name Pascin. In Paris, he became a member of an international gathering of artists that met often at the Café du Dôme.
In 1907, Pascin’s first solo exhibit took place in the Paul Cassirer Gallery in Berlin. He received a commission from von Cassirer to illustrate Heinrich Heine’s "Aus den Memoiren des Herrn Schnabelewopski" (1910, From the Memoirs of Mr. Schnabelewopski). Later, he exhibited at the Berlin Sezession, at the Cologne Sonderbundausstellung and at the Armory Show in New York.
In Paris, his works were displayed in the Salon d’Automne, in the Salon des Indépendants and in the Berthe Weill Gallery. The predominant theme of his works was erotic female nudes. In order to avoid being drafted into the Bulgarian army, Jules Pascin went to London in 1914 and then to New York in October of the same year. He stayed in America until 1920, and took trips through the South and to Cuba. He even became an American citizen. In 1915, Jules Pascin had his first solo exhibit in the United States, at the Berlin Photographic Company in New York. After his return to Paris, Pascin traveled to Algeria, Tunisia, Italy, New York, Spain and Portugal.
In 1929, Pascin signed a contract with the Galerie Bernheim-Jeune in Paris. In 1930, the works of the artist were exhibited in the Knoedler Gallery in New York. After looking at his exhibit in the Galerie Georges Petit in Paris, Jules Pascin hung himself on June 5, 1930. In 1964, the artist’s work was honored at the "documenta III" in Kassel.

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