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Old Master Paintings

The Old Master paintings comprise a broad spectrum of art history. In general, this designation is applied to painting in the northern alpine region above all in the 15th and 16th centuries, but also the Roman artists of the Renaissance and the Baroque are termed "Altmeister" as well; as a rule, however, one uses the latter in connection with the stylistic movements attached to them and calls them rather as a group "Alte Meister" - "Old Masters". The fundamental feature of "Alte Meister" is that they were main representatives of a stylistic direction and that their works were always main works of their time. Regardless of style or country, they also display this in common: their art is characterized by precise observation of nature, anatomical correctness and perspective representation. Jan Van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden and Pieter Bruegel are thus among the most important representatives of old Dutch painting; Albrecht Dürer, Lucas Cranach and Hans Holbein among the representatives of old German painting.

Related artists:  Berchem, Nicolaes (Claes Pietersz.)  |  Candid (Candido), Peter  |  Carriera, Rosalba  |  Kauffmann, Angelica  |  Kuhnert, Friedrich Wilhelm  |  Rottenhammer, Hans  |  Teniers (the Younger), David  |  Tischbein d.Ä., Johann Heinrich  |  Vouet, Simon  

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Uwe Lausen
Starting bid: 40,000 EUR

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