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Pop Art is an abbreviation for popular art and represents a style that developed simultaneously in England and in the US during the 1950’s. What was popular about pop art were the trivial pictorial subjects; for example, pop art oriented itself strongly to advertising posters, consumer goods and other elements of life in a big city. Thus pop art wanted to permit items fit for the masses and popular objects to become art. In the US, pop art was less theoretical and more directly targeted: the world of supermarkets and mass production, comics, and shining stars with the image of eternal youth. Pop art worked in this way with everyday objects, which it isolated and in so doing placed into focus. Another method of representation of pop art was the arrangement of represented objects in even rows. Pop art used the techniques of screen printing and photo montage. Pop art reached its climax in the US during the 1960’s; the English critic Lawrence Alloway coined the term. Besides "pop art" Alloway is said to have also used the term "pop culture". Among the most important American pop artists are Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg.

Related artists:  Arman, Fernandez  |  Beckman, Ford  |  Blake, Peter  |  Calder, Alexander  |  Copley, William N.  |  Genkinger, Fritz  |  Hamilton, Richard  |  Hansen, Al (Alfred Earl)  |  Haring, Keith  |  Hirst, Damien  |  Hockney, David  |  Johns, Jasper  |  Jones, Allen  |  Klapheck, Konrad Peter Cornelius  |  Köthe, Fritz  |  Lausen, Uwe  |  Lichtenstein, Roy  |  Paeffgen, C.O.  |  Paolozzi, Eduardo  |  Polke, Sigmar  |  Ramos, Mel  |  Rauschenberg, Robert  |  Richter, Gerhard  |  Rosenquist, James  |  Saint Phalle, Niki de  |  Stella, Frank  |  Vostell, Wolf  |  Wesselmann, Tom  |  Wintersberger, Lambert Maria  

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Fine Art Auction

Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Johanna Schütz-Wolff
Starting bid: 5,000 EUR

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